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1. 脸:face

2. 眼睛:eyes

3. 耳朵:ears

4. 鼻子:nose

5. 嘴:mouth


1. 我的脸上长了一颗痘痘。Translation: I have a pimple on my face.

2. 她戴着墨镜,遮住了她的脸。Translation: She wore sunglasses to hide her face.

3. 女孩在镜子前仔细地化妆,让自己的脸看起来更美丽。Translation: The girl carefully applied makeup in front of the mirror to make her face look more beautiful.

4. 他的脸上带着微笑,看起来很开心。Translation: He had a smile on his face and looked very happy.

5. 这位演员的脸上展现出了深深的悲伤。Translation: The actor's face showed deep sadness.


1. 她的眼睛像两颗闪亮的星星。Translation: Her eyes were like two shining stars.

2. 看着我的眼睛,告诉我你在说真话。Translation: Look into my eyes and tell me you're telling the truth.

3. 他的眼睛透露出疲倦和无奈。Translation: His eyes revealed exhaustion and helplessness.

4. 这只猫有一双绿色的大眼睛。Translation: The cat has big green eyes.

5. 她的眼睛里充满了喜悦和期待。Translation: Her eyes were filled with joy and anticipation.


1. 我的耳朵感觉有点堵塞,听力有些下降。Translation: My ears feel a bit blocked, and my hearing is slightly impaired.

2. 她把手捂住耳朵,不愿意听到那些噪音。Translation: She covered her ears and didn't want to hear the noises.

3. 这首歌的旋律美妙,很容易让人动容。Translation: The melody of this song is beautiful and easily touches people's hearts.

4. 音乐通过耳朵传达到大脑,引起各种情感和回忆。Translation: Music is conveyed to the brain through the ears, evoking various emotions and memories.

5. 他用手指轻轻地摸了摸耳朵,表示他在思考。Translation: He gently touched his ear with his finger, indicating that he was thinking.


1. 那个男孩的鼻子很大,给他的脸增添了一些特点。Translation: That boy has a big nose, which adds some character to his face.

2. 她闻到了一股花香,鼻子感觉很愉悦。Translation: She smelled a floral fragrance and felt a pleasant sensation in her nose.

3. 花粉过敏使他的鼻子不停地打喷嚏。Translation: He kept sneezing due to pollen allergy.

4. 奶奶的鼻子非常敏锐,可以闻到非常微弱的气味。Translation: Grandma's nose is very sensitive and can smell very faint odors.

5. 他用纸巾擤了擤鼻子,清楚了一下堵塞的感觉。Translation: He blew his nose with a tissue, clearing the blocked sensation.


She covered her mouth in shock when she heard the surprising news. (她听到令人惊讶的消息时捂住了嘴巴。)

The baby opened his mouth wide to take a bite of the delicious food. (宝宝张开嘴巴大口咬下美味的食物。)

The speaker used her persuasive skills to win over the audience and leave them hanging on her every word from her mouth. (演讲者运用她的说服技巧赢得观众,并使他们对她的每个字都津津乐道。)

The dentist instructed the patient to rinse his mouth with mouthwash after brushing his teeth. (牙医指示患者在刷牙后用漱口水漱口。)

The comedian had the audience in stitches as he delivered one hilarious joke after another from his mouth. (喜剧演员一个接一个地从嘴里讲出一个又一个搞笑的笑话,让观众捧腹大笑。)
