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英语是一富多样的语言,其中有许多单词拥有相同的发音,但却具有不同的拼写和意义。本文将探讨与英文单词"there"发音相同的同音词 their,并详细解释其中的含义。


1. their的发音:[ðeə(r)]

2. their的意义:

1) 形容词:表示“他们的”,用于指代一个或多个人所拥有的事物。

2) 代词:作为主语或宾语,表示一个或多个人所拥有的事物。


1. 形容词用法:

1) Their car is parked outside.(他们的车停在外面。)

2) I saw their house when I visited them.(我在拜访他们的时候看到了他们的房子。)

2. 代词用法:

1) They lost their way in the forest.(他们在森林里迷路了。)

2) The students handed in their homework.(学生们交了他们的作业。)

3. 用于指代单数名词:

1) Each student should bring their own lunch.(每个学生都应该带自己的午餐。)

2) The dog wagged its tail while the cat licked its fur.(狗摇着尾巴,猫添着毛。)

4. 用于指代不特定的人:

1) Everyone has their own preferences.(每个人都有自己的偏好。)

2) Somebody left their umbrella in the office.(有人把伞落在了办公室。)

5. 用于表示客观事实:

1) The birds built their nests in the trees.(鸟儿在树上筑巢。)

2) The flowers raised their heads towards the sun.(花朵朝着阳光抬起头。)

6. 用于强调某人的身份或属性:

1) The students put on their uniforms and went to school.(学生们穿上他们的校服去上学。)

2) The workers proudly displayed their craftsmanship.(工人们自豪地展示他们的手艺。)

7. 用于表示某人的感受或态度:

1) They held their breath in anticipation.(他们屏住呼吸,期待着。)

2) The audience held their applause until the end of the performance.(观众们一直等到演出结束才鼓掌。)

8. 用于表示某人的关系:

1) The couple held hands and walked down the street.(夫妻手牵手走在街上。)

2) The siblings shared their secrets with each other.(兄弟姐妹彼此分享着秘密。)

9. 用于表示身体部位或特定的属性:

1) They covered their ears to protect themselves from the loud noise.(他们捂住耳朵,保护自己不受噪音干扰。)

2) The athletes trained their bodies to be strong and agile.(运动员们训练身体,使其变得强壮和灵活。)

10. 用于表示某物的特征或特性:

1) The trees shed their leaves in autumn.(树木在秋天掉落叶子。)

2) The flowers displayed their vibrant colors in the garden.(花朵在花园中展示出它们鲜艳的颜色。)

