下面是表达诸事顺遂这个词意思的英文句子: 1. Everything went smoothly.(一切顺利进行。) 2. All went well.(一切都进行得很顺利。) 3. Things went according to plan.(事情按计划进行。) 4. It all worked out fine.(一切都很顺利。) 5. Everything fell into place.(一切都顺利地落实了。) 6. Everything went off without a hitch.(一切都顺利无阻。) 7. It was smooth sailing.(一切都很顺利。) 8. It was a seamless process.(这是一个无缝的过程。) 9. All went without a hitch.(一切都没有出任何差错。) 10. It was a trouble-free experience.(这是一个无忧无虑的经历。) 11. Everything went as planned.(一切按计划进行。) 12. It all went according to expectations.(一切都符合预期。) 13. It was a hassle-free situation.(这是一个无麻烦的情况。) 14. Everything proceeded without any issues.(一切进行得毫无问题。) 15. It was a smooth and successful endeavor.(这是一次顺利而成功的努力。) 16. All went off without a hitch.(一切都顺利无阻。) 17. It was a trouble-free outcome.(这是一个无麻烦的结果。) 18. Everything went according to schedule.(一切都按计划进行。) 19. It all went smoothly without any complications.(一切都顺利进行,没有任何复杂情况。) 20. It was a flawless execution.(这是一个完美的执行过程。) 21. Everything went according to expectations and there were no surprises.(一切按照预期进行,没有任何意外。) 22. It was a smooth and effortless journey.(这是一段顺利而轻松的旅程。) 23. All the pieces fell into place perfectly.(所有的事情都完美地落实了。) 24. It was a seamless transition from one phase to another.(从一个阶段到另一个阶段的过渡是无缝的。) 25. Everything unfolded smoothly and without any obstacles.(一切顺利展开,没有任何障碍。) 26. It was a trouble-free process from start to finish.(从开始到结束,整个过程都没有问题。) 27. All went according to plan without a single hiccup.(一切按计划进行,没有任何问题。) 28. It was a hassle-free and efficient operation.(这是一个无麻烦且高效的操作。) 29. Everything proceeded flawlessly, leaving no room for error.(一切进行得无瑕疵,没有任何错误的余地。) 30. It was a smooth and successful undertaking, exceeding all expectations.(这是一次顺利而成功的事业,超出了所有的预期。) 31. All the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly.(所有的拼图完美地拼合在一起。) 32. It was a seamless and harmonious collaboration between all parties involved.(这是一个各方之间无缝协作和和谐合作。) 33. Everything went off without a hitch, resulting in a flawless outcome.(一切顺利无阻,结果完美无瑕。) 34. It was a trouble-free and smooth operation, leaving no room for mistakes.(这是一个无麻烦且顺利的操作,没有任何错误的余地。) 35. All went according to plan, with each step executed flawlessly.(一切按计划进行,每一步都无瑕疵地执行。) 36. It was a hassle-free and seamless process, ensuring a successful outcome.(这是一个无麻烦且无缝的过程,确保了成功的结果。) 37. Everything proceeded smoothly and without any complications, leading to a perfect result.(一切顺利进行,没有任何复杂情况,导致了完美的结果。) 38. It was a trouble-free and efficient endeavor, surpassing all expectations.(这是一个无麻烦且高效的努力,超出了所有的预期。) 39. All went according to schedule, with each task completed flawlessly.(一切按计划进行,每个任务都无瑕疵地完成。) 40. It was a smooth and successful operation, leaving no room for error or delay.(这是一个顺利而成功的操作,没有任何错误或延迟的余地。) |