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1. The lumberjack felled a large oak tree in the forest. (伐木工人在森林中砍倒了一棵大橡树。)

2. The ancient tree was felled to make way for a new road. (为了修建新道路,这棵古老的树被砍倒了。)

3. The logger felled several trees to clear the land for farming. (伐木工人砍倒了几棵树,为农田清理出空地。)

4. The hurricane felled numerous trees, causing widespread damage. (飓风倒下了许多树木,造成了广泛的破坏。)

5. The timber company felled the trees and transported them to the sawmill. (木材公司砍伐了树木并将它们运到了锯木厂。)

6. The old barn was felled by a strong gust of wind. (一阵强风把旧谷仓刮倒了。)

7. The tree surgeon carefully felled the diseased tree to prevent it from spreading the infection. (树医小心地砍倒了那棵生病的树,以防止病菌传播。)

8. The logging company felled the trees using modern machinery. (伐木公司使用现代机械砍伐了树木。)

9. The construction crew felled the old building to make space for a new skyscraper. (施工队砍倒了旧建筑,为新摩天大楼腾出空间。)

10. The storm felled power lines, causing a widespread blackout in the city. (风暴倒下了电线,导致城市大面积停电。)

11. The farmer felled the dead trees in the orchard to prevent disease spread. (农民砍倒了果园里的死树,以防止病菌传播。)

12. The logging operation felled the trees and transported them downstream for processing. (伐木作业砍伐了树木并将它们运送到下游进行加工。)

13. The strong winds felled the flagpole, causing the flag to fall to the ground. (强风把旗杆刮倒了,导致国旗落地。)

14. The logging company felled the trees in a sustainable manner, ensuring new growth. (伐木公司以可持续的方式砍倒树木,确保新的生长。)

15. The ancient castle was felled during a siege, leaving only ruins behind. (古堡在一次围攻中被摧毁,只留下废墟。)

16. The fire department felled the burning tree to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. (消防部门砍倒了燃烧的树木,以防止火灾蔓延到附近建筑物。)

