"hit"是一个常用的英语动词,过去分词形式仍然是"hit"。它可以表示打击、碰撞、击中等含义。下面是使用"hit"的过去式形式的20个英文例句。 1. The baseball player hit a home run in the game. (这位棒球运动员在比赛中打出了一支全垒打。) 2. The car hit a tree and was severely damaged. (汽车撞到了一棵树上,严重受损。) 3. The boxer hit his opponent with a powerful punch. (拳击手用一记有力的拳击击中了对手。) 4. The storm hit the coast and caused widespread destruction. (暴风雨袭击了海岸,造成了广泛的破坏。) 5. The tennis player hit a powerful serve that the opponent couldn't return. (这位网球选手发出了一记有力的发球,对手无法还击。) 6. The bird hit the window and fell to the ground. (鸟撞到了窗户上,掉到了地上。) 7. The bullet hit the target right in the center. (子弹正中目标的中心。) 8. The boxer hit his opponent with a series of quick jabs. (拳击手用一系列快速的直拳击中了对手。) 9. The car hit a pothole and got a flat tire. (汽车撞到了一个坑洞,轮胎爆了。) 10. The soccer player hit the ball with his head and scored a goal. (足球运动员用头顶球,打进了一球。) 11. The snowstorm hit the city and caused traffic chaos. (暴风雪袭击了这个城市,导致交通混乱。) 12. The boxer hit his opponent with a devastating uppercut. (拳击手用一记毁灭性的上勾拳击中了对手。) 13. The car hit a pedestrian and the driver stopped to check if they were okay. (汽车撞到了一个行人,司机停下来检查他们是否安全。) 14. The basketball player hit a three-point shot at the buzzer to win the game. (篮球运动员在蜂鸣器响起前投中了一个三分球,赢得了比赛。) 15. The hailstorm hit the roof and caused damage to the tiles. (冰雹袭击了屋顶,瓦片受损。) 16. The boxer hit his opponent with a left hook and knocked him out. (拳击手用一记左钩拳击中了对手,将其击倒。) 17. The car hit a patch of ice and skidded off the road. (汽车撞到了一块冰上,从路上滑出去了。) 18. The baseball player hit a line drive that went over the outfield fence for a home run. (这位棒球运动员打出了一记直线球,越过外野围栏成为一支全垒打。) 19. The boxer hit his opponent with a body shot and left him gasping for breath. (拳击手用一记腹部击打击中了对手,让他喘不过气来。) 20. The car hit a patch of black ice and spun out of control. (汽车撞到了一块黑冰上,失去了控制。) 以上是关于"hit"过去分词的20个英文例句。这些例句展示了"hit"这个动词在不同场景中的用法和含义。