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1. I lived in New York City for five years before moving to Los Angeles. (我在纽约市住了五年,然后搬到洛杉矶。)

2. She lived with her grandparents while her parents were overseas. (她在父母出国期间与祖父母一起生活。)

3. They lived in a small village nestled in the mountains. (他们住在一个坐落在山中的小村庄。)

4. He lived a simple and frugal life, free from materialistic desires. (他过着简朴而节俭的生活,没有物质欲望。)

5. The famous author lived in seclusion, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. (这位著名作家隐居起来,远离城市的喧嚣。)

6. We lived through some difficult times, but it only made us stronger. (我们经历了一些困难时期,但这只让我们更坚强。)

7. The ancient civilization lived on through its magnificent ruins. (这个古老的文明通过宏伟的废墟得以延续。)

8. The elderly couple lived happily ever after, cherishing each moment together. (这对老年夫妇幸福地生活在一起,珍惜每个时刻。)

9. The artist's legacy lived on through his breathtaking paintings. (艺术家的遗产通过他令人叹为观止的画作得以延续。)

10. The memory of her kindness and generosity lived in the hearts of all who knew her. (她的善良和慷慨的记忆在所有认识她的人心中永存。)

11. Despite the hardships, they lived with hope and determination. (尽管面临困难,他们怀着希望和决心生活。)

12. The historic building lived through centuries of wars and revolutions. (这座历史建筑经历了几个世纪的战争和革命。)

13. The spirit of the city lived in its vibrant culture and diverse community. (这座城市的精神在其充满活力的文化和多元化的社区中得以体现。)

14. The endangered species lived in a protected sanctuary, away from human interference. (这种濒危物种生活在一个受保护的避难所中,远离人类的干扰。)

15. The memories of our childhood adventures lived on in our hearts. (我们童年的冒险记忆在我们的心中永存。)

16. The ancient traditions and customs lived on in the remote villages. (古老的传统和习俗在偏远的村庄中得以延续。)

17. The legacy of their ancestors lived on through their achievements and contributions. (他们祖先的遗产通过他们的成就和贡献得以延续。)

18. The spirit of the revolution lived in the hearts of the oppressed, fueling their fight for freedom. (革命的精神在受压迫者的心中生活,推动他们为自由而战。)

19. The ancient scriptures lived on as a source of wisdom and guidance. (古老的经典著作作为智慧和指导的源泉得以延续。)

20. The legacy of their love and compassion lived on in the lives they touched. (他们的爱和同情心的遗产在他们触及的生命中得以延续。)
