bring过去式是brought。bring是及物动词,表示“带来;引起;促使;使某人处于某种情况或境地”。下面是相关例句: 1. bring a gift:带来礼物 When you go to a party, it's polite to bring a gift for the host. 当你去参加派对时,带上礼物给主人是礼貌的。 2. bring back memories:唤起回忆 The old photograph brought back memories of my childhood. 那张旧照片唤起了我童年的回忆。 3. bring up a topic:提出一个话题 During the meeting, he brought up an interesting topic for discussion. 在会议上,他提出了一个有趣的话题供讨论。 4. bring joy:带来快乐 The sight of her smiling face always brings me joy. 她笑脸的景象总是给我带来快乐。 5. bring peace:带来和平 The negotiations between the two countries brought peace to the region. 两国之间的谈判为该地区带来了和平。 6. bring a change:带来改变 His innovative ideas brought a positive change to the company. 他的创新思想给公司带来了积极的变化。 7. bring a smile:带来微笑 Her funny jokes always bring a smile to everyone's face. 她的幽默笑话总是能给每个人带来微笑。 8. bring a friend:带来朋友 Can I bring a friend to the party? She doesn't know anyone else. 我可以带一个朋友来参加派对吗?她不认识其他人。 9. bring a solution:带来解决方案 He was able to bring a solution to the problem that had been troubling us for months. 他能够为我们几个月来一直困扰的问题提供解决方案。 10. bring a book:带来一本书 Don't forget to bring a book to read on the long journey. 别忘了带一本书在漫长的旅途中阅读。 11. bring a change of clothes:带来一套换洗的衣服 If you're planning to stay overnight, make sure to bring a change of clothes. 如果你计划过夜,请确保带来一套换洗的衣服。 12. bring a camera:带来相机 I always bring a camera when I go on vacation to capture the beautiful moments. 我去度假时总是带上相机,以捕捉美丽的瞬间。 13. bring a sense of humor:带来幽默感 His jokes always bring a sense of humor to the conversation. 他的笑话总是给对话带来幽默感。 14. bring a map:带来地图 It's easy to get lost in a new city, so make sure to bring a map. 在一个陌生的城市里迷路很容易,所以一定要带上地图。 15. bring a smile to someone's face:让某人笑容满面 Her kind words always bring a smile to my face. 她的亲切话语总是让我笑容满面。 16. bring a sense of calm:带来平静感 The soft music in the background brings a sense of calm to the room. 背景里的轻音乐给房间带来了一种平静感。 17. bring a sense of unity:带来团结感 The team-building activities helped bring a sense of unity among the employees. 团队建设活动帮助员工之间建立了一种团结感。 18. bring a sense of purpose:带来目标感 Setting clear goals can bring a sense of purpose to your life. 设定明确的目标可以给你的生活带来目标感。 19. bring a sense of adventure:带来冒险感 Traveling to new places always brings a sense of adventure. 去新的地方旅行总是会带来一种冒险感。 20. bring a sense of satisfaction:带来满足感 Accomplishing a difficult task brings a sense of satisfaction. 完成一项困难的任务会带来一种满足感。 以上是关于bring和过去式brought的例句。希望这些例句能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用这个词。