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hardly when的用法


一、Hardly When的用法

Hardly when是一个英文短语,用于表示两个事件发生的时间几乎没有重叠。它常常用于描述一个事件刚刚结束,另一个事件就立即发生。

二、Hardly When的例句

1. Hardly had she started her presentation when the projector stopped working. 她刚开始演讲投影仪就停止工作了。

2. Hardly had they arrived at the beach when it started to get dark. 他们刚到海滩天就开始变暗了。

3. Hardly had I turned on the TV when the power went out. 我刚打开电视电力就断了。

4. Hardly had I finished my presentation when my boss praised my work. 我刚结束演讲老板就表扬了我的工作。

5. Hardly had I entered the store when I saw the item I wanted on sale. 我刚进店就看到我想要的东西打折了。

6. Hardly had they finished their meal when the waiter brought the bill. 他们刚吃完饭服务员就拿来了账单。

7. Hardly had I finished my homework when my friend called me. 我刚做完作业朋友就给我打电话了。

8. Hardly had I finished my workout when I received a text message. 我刚锻炼完就收到一条短信。

9. Hardly had the concert started when the singer forgot the lyrics. 音乐会刚开始歌手就忘词了。

10. Hardly had I finished my shopping when I realized I forgot my wallet. 我刚买完东西就意识到我忘记带钱包了。

11. Hardly had she arrived home when her phone rang. 她刚到家电话就响了。

12. Hardly had the meeting begun when a heated argument broke out. 会议刚开始就爆发了激烈的争论。

13. Hardly had the concert ended when the audience started applauding. 音乐会刚结束观众就开始鼓掌了。

14. Hardly had she left the house when it started raining. 她刚离开屋子就开始下雨了。

15. Hardly had the show begun when the main actor forgot his lines. 节目刚开始主演就忘词了。

16. Hardly had I left the office when it started to rain. 我刚离开办公室天就开始下雨了。

17. Hardly had the sun set when the stars began to appear. 太阳刚落山星星就开始出现了。

18. Hardly had the sun risen when the fog rolled in. 太阳刚升起雾就卷来了。

19. Hardly had they finished their meal when the restaurant closed. 他们刚吃完饭餐厅就关门了。

20. Hardly had I closed the door when the alarm went off. 我刚关上门警报器就响了。

21. Hardly had the movie started when the power went out. 电影刚开始电力就断了。

22. Hardly had I started reading the book when I realized I had read it before. 我刚开始读这本书就意识到我以前读过了。

23. Hardly had I finished my breakfast when the doorbell rang. 我刚吃完早饭门铃就响了。

24. Hardly had I finished my dinner when the phone rang. 我刚吃完晚饭电话就响了。

25. Hardly had the movie started when the fire alarm went off. 电影刚开始火灾警报器就响了。

26. Hardly had I started my car when it broke down. 我刚发动汽车就坏了。

27. Hardly had I started cooking when the smoke alarm went off. 我刚开始做饭烟雾报警器就响了。

28. Hardly had the game started when it was interrupted by heavy rain. 比赛刚开始就被大雨打断了。

29. Hardly had I started my vacation when I received an urgent work email. 我刚开始度假就收到一封紧急的工作邮件。

30. Hardly had the sun risen when the birds started chirping. 太阳刚升起鸟儿就开始啁啾了。

以上是使用hardly when短语的例句。这个短语常用于表示两个事件发生的时间几乎没有重叠,强调事件之间的迅速转变。希望这些例句能够帮助你更好地理解和运用这个短语。
