一、引言在英语词汇中,“patient”是一个非常重要的单词,它表示有耐心的,能忍受的,容忍的,也可以指病人。本文将详细解释“patient”的中文含义,并通过造句子的方式来进一步阐述它的用法。 二、patient的中文含义“patient”这个英文单词的中文含义主要是指“病人”,也可以引申为“有耐心的,能忍受的,容忍的”。 三、patient例句以下是用“patient”的例句和翻译: 1. She was very patient during the long wait in the queue.(在队伍中长时间等待时,她非常有耐心。) 2. The doctor was very patient with his patients.(医生对他的病人非常有耐心。) 3. My father is a patient man.(我的父亲是一个有耐心的人。) 4. She showed great patience during the long working hours.(她在长时间的工作中表现出了很大的耐心。) 5. The teacher was very patient with his slow students.(老师对他的慢学生非常有耐心。) 6. The mechanic was patiently repairing the car.(技工正在耐心地修理汽车。) 7. She was patiently waiting for her turn.(她正耐心地等待轮到自己。) 8. The teacher was patiently explaining the math problem to the students.(老师正在耐心地向学生解释这道数学题。) 9. He showed a lot of patience during the long interview.(他在长时间的面试中表现出很大的耐心。) 10. The doctor was patiently listening to the patient's complaint.(医生正在耐心地听取病人的抱怨。) 11. She was patiently waiting for her turn to speak.(她正耐心地等待轮到她发言。) 12. The teacher was patiently explaining the lesson to the students.(老师正在耐心地向学生讲解这一课的内容。) 13. He showed great patience during the long wait for the bus.(他在等公共汽车的长时间等待中表现出了很大的耐心。) 14. The mechanic was patiently diagnosing the car's problem.(技工正在耐心地诊断汽车的故障。) 15. She was patiently explaining the directions to the tourist.(她正在耐心地向游客解释这些指示。) 16. The teacher was patiently helping the students with their homework.(老师正在耐心地帮助学生做他们的家庭作业。) 17. He showed a lot of patience during the long queue for the concert.(他在音乐会入场队伍的长时间等待中表现出了很大的耐心。) 18. The doctor was patiently taking the old lady's temperature.(医生正在耐心地给老太太量体温。) 19. She was patiently waiting for her turn to use the computer.(她正耐心地等待轮到她使用计算机。) |