下面是t开头的英文单词: 1. Table - 桌子 Sentence: Please set the table for dinner.(请摆好餐桌准备晚餐。) 2. Tall - 高的 Sentence: He is a tall man, standing at six feet.(他是个高个子,身高六英尺。) 3. Take - 拿 Sentence: Can you take this package to the post office?(你能把这个包裹拿到邮局吗?) 4. Talk - 谈话 Sentence: We need to talk about the upcoming project.(我们需要谈一谈即将到来的项目。) 5. Taste - 味道 Sentence: The soup has a delicious taste.(这汤的味道很美味。) 6. Teacher - 老师 Sentence: My mother is a teacher at the local school.(我妈妈是当地学校的老师。) 7. Thank - 感谢 Sentence: I want to thank you for your help.(我要感谢你的帮助。) 8. Time - 时间 Sentence: What time is it?(现在几点了?) 9. Think - 思考 Sentence: I need some time to think about this decision.(我需要一些时间来思考这个决定。) 10. Travel - 旅行 Sentence: We are planning to travel to Europe next summer.(我们计划明年夏天去欧洲旅行。) 11. Team - 团队 Sentence: Our team won the championship.(我们的团队赢得了冠军。) 12. Tree - 树 Sentence: The tree provides shade on hot summer days.(这棵树在炎热的夏天提供了阴凉。) 13. Ticket - 票 Sentence: I bought a ticket for the concert.(我买了一张音乐会的票。) 14. Train - 训练 Sentence: He needs to train harder if he wants to win.(如果他想赢,他需要更加努力地训练。) 15. Test - 测试 Sentence: I have a math test tomorrow.(我明天有一场数学考试。) 16. Talkative - 健谈的 Sentence: She is a very talkative person and can chat for hours.(她是个非常健谈的人,可以聊上几个小时。) 17. Tired - 疲倦的 Sentence: I am so tired after a long day at work.(工作了一整天后,我真的很累。) 18. Trip - 旅行 Sentence: We are planning a trip to the beach next month.(我们计划下个月去海滩旅行。) 19. Tasteless - 无味的 Sentence: The food was tasteless and bland.(这食物没有味道,很平淡。) 20. Telephone - 电话 Sentence: I will call you on the telephone later.(我稍后会给你打电话。) 21. Trust - 信任 Sentence: Trust is important in any relationship.(信任在任何关系中都很重要。) 22. Technology - 技术 Sentence: Technology has revolutionized the way we live.(技术已经彻底改变了我们的生活方式。) 23. Temperature - 温度 Sentence: The temperature outside is freezing.(外面的温度非常寒冷。) 24. Television - 电视 Sentence: I enjoy watching movies on television.(我喜欢在电视上看电影。) 25. Traffic - 交通 Sentence: There was heavy traffic on the highway this morning.(今天早上高速公路上交通拥堵。) 26. Trainee - 实习生 Sentence: She is a trainee at the company and is learning the ropes.(她是公司的一名实习生,正在学习工作的技巧。) 27. Task - 任务 Sentence: I have a lot of tasks to complete before the deadline.(在截止日期之前,我有很多任务要完成。) 28. Trouble - 麻烦 Sentence: I'm having trouble understanding this concept.(我对这个概念感到困惑。) 29. Towel - 毛巾 Sentence: Can you pass me a towel, please?(请给我递一条毛巾好吗?) 30. Ticket - 罚单 Sentence: He received a parking ticket for parking in a no-parking zone.(他因停车在禁停区域收到了一张罚单。) 31. Temperature - 体温 Sentence: Her temperature is slightly elevated, indicating a possible fever.(她的体温稍微升高,可能有发烧的迹象。) 32. Tense - 紧张的 Sentence: He was feeling tense before the big presentation.(在重要的演讲之前,他感到很紧张。) 33. Talent - 才能 Sentence: She has a lot of talent in playing the piano.(她在弹钢琴方面有很多才能。) 34. Task - 任务 Sentence: My boss assigned me a new task to complete by the end of the week.(我的老板给我分配了一个新的任务,要在本周末完成。) 35. Target - 目标 Sentence: Our target is to increase sales by 10% this quarter.(我们的目标是本季度将销售额增加10%。) 36. Train - 火车 Sentence: We took the train to the city instead of driving.(我们选择坐火车去城市,而不是开车。) 37. Taste - 品味 Sentence: His taste in music is very eclectic.(他对音乐的品味非常多样。) 38. Trustworthy - 值得信赖的 Sentence: He is a trustworthy person and always keeps his promises.(他是个值得信赖的人,总是言出必行。) 39. Treasure - 宝藏 Sentence: The pirates were searching for buried treasure on the island.(海盗们在岛上搜寻埋藏的宝藏。) 40. Timeless - 永恒的 Sentence: Classic literature is timeless and can be enjoyed by generations.(经典文学是永恒的,可以被几代人欣赏。) |