一、draw作为动词,意思是绘画、画;拖、拉;拔出、取出、抽出;提取、汲取、领取;引起、吸引1. 绘画、画:她喜欢在空闲时间画画,尤其擅长素描和水彩。She enjoys drawing in her spare time, especially skilled in sketching and watercolor. 2. 拖、拉:他用力地拖动着被卡住的箱子,最终成功将其移开。He exerted force to draw and successfully moved the stuck box. 3. 拔出、取出、抽出:他小心翼翼地从口袋里抽出一封信。He carefully drew out a letter from his pocket. 4. 提取、汲取、领取:他从矿井深处汲取水源,为村庄提供清洁的饮用水。He drew water from the depths of the mine to provide clean drinking water for the village. 5. 引起、吸引:这部电影以其引人入胜的情节吸引了大量观众。The movie drew a large audience with its captivating plot. 二、draw作为不及物动词,意思是移动、来临;打成平局、不分胜负1. 移动、来临:夜幕降临时,他悄悄地踏上了回家的路。As night drew near, he quietly set foot on the way back home. 2. 打成平局、不分胜负:两位国际象棋大师的比赛经过几个小时的激烈对局后陷入僵局。The chess game between the two grandmasters drew to a stalemate after several hours of intense play. 三、draw作为名词,意思是抽奖、抽签;平局、不分胜负1. 抽奖、抽签:他幸运地中了抽奖的大奖,获得了一辆全新的汽车。He was fortunate to win the grand prize in the lottery and received a brand new car. 2. 平局、不分胜负:这场棋局以双方不分胜负而结束,双方都发挥出色。The chess game ended in a draw, with both sides playing exceptionally well. 综上所述,draw这个英文单词有多个中文意思。作为动词,它可以表示绘画、画;拖、拉;拔出、取出、抽出;提取、汲取、领取;引起、吸引。作为不及物动词,它可以表示移动、来临;打成平局、不分胜负。作为名词,它可以表示抽奖、抽签;平局、不分胜负。