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"Pass" 是英语中的一个常用单词,具有多个含义和用法。本文将详细解释 "pass" 的中文意思,并通过造句子的方式来进一步阐述它的用法。


"Pass" 的中文意思主要包括:

1. 通过:指考试、检查或达到某种标准。

2. 传递:指将物品、信息或意见从一方传递给另一方。

3. 去世、终止:指生命或状态的结束。

4. 路过、经过:指从某地经过或路过。

5. 批准、认可:指对某事项或计划的批准或认可。


1. She passed the exam with flying colors.(她考试成绩优异。)

2. The message was passed on to all staff.(信息已经传达给了所有员工。)

3. He passed away peacefully in his sleep.(他在睡梦中平静地离开了人世。)

4. The train passed through the tunnel.(火车穿过了隧道。)

5. They passed the resolution at the meeting.(他们在会议上通过了决议。)

6. The new law has passed into law.(新法案已经获得通过成为法律。)

7. She passed by his office without stopping.(她没有停留地从他的办公室门前经过。)

8. The exam results have been passed on to the students.(考试成绩已经通知给了学生。)

9. The government has passed a bill to reduce taxes.(政府通过了一项减少税收的法案。)

10. The plane passed over the mountains.(飞机飞越了山脉。)

11. They passed by the church without stopping.(他们没有停留地从教堂旁边走过。)

12. The doctor passed away after a long illness.(医生在长期患病后去世了。)

13. The movie passed muster with the critics.(这部电影得到了评论家的认可。)

14. She passed through the door and into the hallway.(她穿过门进入走廊。)

15. The team passed the ball back to the defense.(球队将球传回给防守队员。)

16. The test results have been passed on to the parents.(考试成绩已经通知给了家长。)

17. The government has passed a law to combat corruption.(政府通过了一项打击腐败的法律。)

18. The train passed by the station without stopping.(火车没有停靠车站而过。)

19. She passed away in her sleep last night.(她昨晚在睡梦中去世了。)

20. The new law has passed into force.(新法律已经生效。)
